European Countries

5th and 6th class students have been learning all about the countries in Europe, their capitals, main features, famous people and much more! They compiled fact sheets on various European…

Out and About

5th and 6th class paired up with Ms. Egan’s 2nd class to go on a lovely nature walk to explore their local environment. The children used their senses to observe…

Bubbly Science

5th and 6th class learned all about matter in science and by experimenting with bubbles, the students learned about surface tension, elasticity and how to blow really, really big bubbles!…

Buddy Reading

Buddy reading is still ongoing in SHNS with 5th and 6th class pairing up with students in Ms. Egan’s 2nd class to complete various activities! The 5th and 6th class…

Japanese in SHNS

2nd to 6th class thoroughly enjoyed learning Japanese with Meg over the duration of the month of January, the children picked up several phrases and really enjoyed the experience.

New Boardgames !!!

Huge thanks to our Parents Association for gifting Boardgames to our Senior Classes and fabulous Magnatiles to our Junior Classes – All classes enjoyed a fun and competitive games afternoon…

The Great Famine

5th and 6th class spent a number of weeks learning all about The Great Famine. The children researched The Great Famine using books from the library and iPads. They gathered…

Amazing Artists

5th and 6th class have been busy creating masterpieces of art since the return to school! They have made ‘colour wheel eyes’ using their prior knowledge of colour mixing. They…